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    But Mourinho has started a new round   VIEW : 181    
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    UID : ไม่มีข้อมูล
    โพสแล้ว : 2
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    Exp : 40%
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    IP : 45.128.198.xxx

    เมื่อ : พุธ ที่ 10 เดือน สิงหาคม พ.ศ.2565 เวลา 16:52:54    ปักหมุดและแบ่งปัน

    But Mourinho has started a new round of counterattacks. Mourinho said Now, there are no new coaches, some people's ideas, philosophies are like this. We start from the backcourt. We have good control of the ball. เว็บพนันบอล We don't play counter. but you can't Counterattacks are a great way to play football. It's the way you attack. When you find the penetration Unbalanced defense of competitors You have a good chance that I think someone is creating an image.