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    There has been a connection between  VIEW : 113    
    โดย Superiority

    UID : ไม่มีข้อมูล
    โพสแล้ว : 1
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    ระดับ : 1
    Exp : 20%
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    IP : 45.248.78.xxx

    เมื่อ : พุธ ที่ 14 เดือน กันยายน พ.ศ.2565 เวลา 15:54:04    ปักหมุดและแบ่งปัน

    "There has been a connection between the eldest of Bayern and Harry Kane's older brother Charlie Kane, of course, and we've heard that it has been confirmed that Harry Kane pictured himself in a ba shirt. Yern also left. It's too early to tell if he will leave. It depends on Tottenham's situation. Previously, no one believed that Sadio Mane would move from the Premier League to Bayern, so why would Harry Kane follow? Can't work with him there?"